Today, the quantitative explosion of digital data has pushed researchers to find new ways to design and analyze the world, but above all to find a fast, well-organized Database Management System ( SGBD ) that allows them to have useful information when the need arises.
What is SAP HANA?
In 2010, SAP launched SAP HANA (High-performance ANalytics Appliance), a columnar in-memory data platform that can be deployed locally, in the cloud or in a hybrid configuration that combines both. It enables
companies to accelerate their business processes and provide more in the area of Business Intelligence (BI). This DBMS is structured to allow applications to support transactional and analytical business information management processing and application servers on a single system with the same dataset, enabling real-time reporting at assumed near instantaneous speeds.
To this end, it can be said that SAP HANA functions as a modern warehouse. It combines an ACID database (Atomicity, Coherence, Isolation and Durability) with application services, analytical tools and flexible data acquisition on a single In-Memory platform, in order to enable the company’s top management to make better decisions.
Features of SAP HANA :
The advantages of SAP HANA: Some use cases of SAP HANA
Among the various business sectors that use SAP HANA, we cite the following as examples:
Healthcare sector: SAP HANA has tools to explore and analyze structured and unstructured health data in real time using multi-tenant databases and dynamic classification.
Sales and Services: SAP HANA enables real-time customer segmentation by identifying the target population based on your marketing and sales activity using the segmentation analysis performed.
Supply Chain Management (SCM): Through a real-time supply network, SAP HANA helps reduce procurement, inventory management and distribution costs.
Industry sector: SAP HANA provides tools to assess the profit and/or contribution margin of any company, either by market segment or strategic business unit. These market segments can be classified according to products, customers, orders or a combination of them.
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